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We have 92 quote authors that use or used to be Soldiers

Norman Schwarzkopf; Omar N Bradley; James Stockdale; John Abizaid; George S Patton; Douglas MacArthur; Daniel H Hill; Robert E Lee; William Tecumseh Sherman; Thomas Francis Meagher; Karl Von Clausewitz; Lord Mountbatten; Janis Karpinski; Bobby Ray Inman; Vernon A Walters; David M Shoup; Giuseppe Garibaldi; William Westmoreland; John Paul Jones; Oliver Cromwell; Robert Ley; Chester W Nimitz; George Crook; Timothy Murphy; Hideki Tojo; Adolf Galland; Ralph Peters; T E Lawrence; Joshua Chamberlain; Chris Kyle; Ethan A Hitchcock; Marcus Aurelius; Anthony Wayne; William Bligh; John Byng; William Hull; John Gibbon; Kenneth H Cooper; Fritz Sauckel; Moshe Dayan; Kemal Ataturk; Rand Beers; Audie Murphy; Michel Aoun; William Wiley; Curtis LeMay; Erwin Rommel; Martin Bormann; John R Allen; Henry Knox; Kurt Student; Robert Baden-Powell; Oliver North; Horatio Nelson; William Odom; Christopher Gadsden; George B McClellan; William Halsey; Robert Anderson; Zebulon Pike; Horace Porter; Jay Garner; Arthur Wellesley; Chiang Kai-shek; Paul von Hindenburg; R Lee Ermey; Hyman Rickover; Winfield Scott Hancock; Bernard Law Montgomery; Nathan Bedford Forrest; Xenophon; Fritz Todt; Lew Wallace; Smedley Butler; Calamity Jane; Wilfred Owen; J G Stedman; Peter Porter; George C Marshall; Barry McCaffrey; Daniel Morgan; John W Vessey Jr; David Hackworth; Nelson A Miles; George Armstrong Custer; Miyamoto Musashi; Douglas Bader; Archibald Wavell; Ferdinand Foch; Julius Streicher; William Hall; Philip Sidney;