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Category quotes the begin with "G"

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God  Government  Good  Great  Gardening   

Random God quotes

Quote by George W Bush

I believe that God has planted in every heart the desire to live in freedom.

Random Government quotes

Quote by Plato

The punishment which the wise suffer who refuse to take part in the government, is to live under the government of worse men.

Random Good quotes

Quote by Ernest Hemingway

What is moral is what you feel good after, and what is immoral is what you feel bad after.

Random Great quotes

Quote by Bryant H McGill

A mistake made by many people with great convictions is that they will let nothing stand in the way of their views, not even kindness.

Random Gardening quotes

Quote by Marcelene Cox

Weather means more when you have a garden. There's nothing like listening to a shower and thinking how it is soaking in around your green beans.