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Category quotes the begin with "C"

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Communication  Car  Computers  Cool   

Random Communication quotes

Quote by David Cronenberg

The filmmaking process is a very personal one to me, I mean it really is a personal kind of communication. It's not as though its a study of fear or any of that stuff.

Random Car quotes

Quote by Richard Murdoch

I'm not a bad driver. And I never will be because I took lessons when I was quite a boy. I never had to pass a test because there wasn't such a thing when I first started driving a motor car. So I didn't have to pass one.

Random Computers quotes

Quote by Florence Henderson

I'm a '70s mom, and my daughter is a '90s mom. I know a lot of women my age who are real computer freaks.

Random Cool quotes

Quote by Tom Hardy

Fame and stuff like that is all very cool, but at the end of the day, we're all human beings. Although what I do is incredibly surreal and fun and amazing and I'm really grateful for it, I don't believe my own press release, do you know what I mean?